“…Rhydian Jenkins as Parpignol completed the excellent ensemble that made this performance a celebration of voices.”
(“…Rhydian Jenkins als Parpignol komplettierten das vorzügliche Ensemble, das diese Aufführung zu einem Fest der Stimmen machte.”)
Der Opernfreud, 2024 | La bohème (Oper Köln 2024)
“Rhydian Jenkins, who is being coached by singer Nicky Spence and Adrian Thompson, really showed his star qualities in Monteverdi’s Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria”
Arts Muse London, 2024 | National Opera Studio: Myths & Legends
“As Telemaco, Ulysses’s son who is reunited with his father Achilles, Rhydian’s tenor reproduced a delicious array of emotions and textures. Definitely a singer to watch out for in 2024”
Arts Muse London, 2024 | National Opera Studio: Myths & Legends
“Rhydian Jenkins sang Llanrwst by Welsh composer Gareth Glyn. A slow, rather romantic piece where Jenkins and Swindells created a nice sense of atmosphere. Jenkins showed a fine lyric tenor voice in a big-boned performance that moved to a vibrant climax but ended with finely controlled, ravishing head-voice.”
Planet Hugill, 2024 | National Opera Studio: Simple Gifts (Wigmore Hall Recital)
“Then Jenkins in Im Abendrot, with Jenkins singing with lovely line and tone, matched by his care for the words".”
Planet Hugill, 2024 | National Opera Studio: Simple Gifts (Wigmore Hall Recital)
“Singing in a well-schooled tenor, Rhydian Jenkins nicely captured the nobility of the character of Vittorio, who swallows his pride and helps Gerardo to gain Pietro’s approval of the secret marriage”
Opera Magazine, 2024 | Elena e Gerardo (Random Opera Company 2023)
“I was particularly impressed by Rhydian Jenkins as Snout, a natural actor with a great voice”
British Theatre Guide | The Fairy Queen (Longborough Festival Opera 2023)
“Upcoming tenor Rhydian Jenkins was hopefully not typecast as a muscle-bound and rather nervy Snout and Wall as he sings delightfully”
Arts Scene in Wales and Opera Scene | The Fairy Queen (Longborough Festival Opera 2023)
“So, one can enjoy the ludicrous earnestness of the Mechanicals’ rehearsals and dramatics…Rhydian Jenkins’ intense Snout/Wall”
Opera Today | The Fairy Queen (Longborough Festival Opera 2023)
“Performances by Rhydian Jenkins and Dafydd Allen as the two friends Sergei and Boris, the primary initiators of the pushback against the bureaucratic abuse (and the protagonists of their respective romantic sub-plots) must be mentioned as stand-outs”
Arts Scene in Wales, 2022 | Cherry Town, Moscow (Welsh National Opera)
“So Many of the singers shone in their moment of limelight… Sergei - sung well by tenor Rhydian Jenkins”
Plays To See, 2022 | Cherry Town, Moscow (Welsh National Opera)
“Boris and Sergei, exuberantly sung and performed by Dafydd Allen and Rhydian Jenkins, bemoan their lack of luck in love”
Morning Star, 2022 | Cherry Town, Moscow (Welsh National Opera)
“But standing out among an excellent ensemble… Rhydian jenkins’s eloquently sly sergei”
Classical Source, 2022 | Cherry Town, Moscow (Welsh National Opera)